Hirer Description When Contact
Clacton Canine Academy We teach you how to train your dog using modern and effective science-based methods with a combination of obedience training, tricks  and other canine activities to promote learning and build on your relationship with your dog whilst having fun! We are happy to work on areas of doggie manners that you may be struggling with and encourage those wanting to know more to come along and observe a session, or why not ask about one of our taster sessions and come along with your dog! Saturday mornings For further information Contact either Natalie or Tracy on 07743120927 /07599183342 You can find us @ Clacton canine academy on Facebook Or email us at Clacton.canine.academy@outlook.com
Indoor Bootcamp Whatever your goal, whatever your fitness level, come join us. Fun workouts with a great bunch, lots of beginners to fitness who are now reaping the results of the classes. Make that move and join us for a laughter filled fitness session....Everyone Welcome Tuesday and Thursday 6pm-7pm call or message 07931943015 or email: squashnik1@gmail.com
Purple Feather Events Mind Body Soul Fair. A day of pampering, relaxation & shopping. Various treatments/healings to try. 1-2-1 clairvoyant/tarot readings, retail stalls. FREE workshops all day. Yummy food & drinks. Friendly atmosphere. Supports The Robin Cancer Trust Saturday 1st March 2025 Contact Val purplefeatherevents@live.co.uk or www.facebook.com/purplefeatherevents
St Andrews Short Mat Bowls Club Come and Join us in a pleasant friendly atmosphere for a game of Short Mat Bowls. No experience necessary. Age from 18+ Tuesday afternoons between 2pm - 4.15pm Email: maureen49chittock@yahoo.co.uk or telephone Maureen Chittock on 07949841284
Tappy Toes Tappy Toes toddler dance classes are a great way to introduce your youngsters to exercise at an early age and encourage them to build healthy habits for life. We support your little ones in those crucial early years developmental stages. Our classes support the development of MOTOR SKILLS • SOCIAL SKILLS • MUSICALITY • CONFIDENCE • POSTURE • CO-ORDINATION. We run classes every Thursday for as young as 6 months - 5 year olds. To book a trial session please head to www.tappytoes.com or email stacie@tappytoes.com
Weeley Carpet Bowls Carpet Bowls - equipment provided + tea & biscuits! £3.00 per session Tuesday evenings 7pm-9pm Mr R Norton - 01255 815811
Weeley Parish Council Monthly meetings Third Monday of each month from 7.30pm Clerk: Steve Gunter - clerk@weeleyparishcouncil.gov.uk 07368 925194 Chairman: Christine Hamilton - cllr.chamilton@weeleyparishcouncil.gov.uk 07785 900007
Weeley Residents Association A forum for people residing in Weeley Village and Weeley Heath, who wish to help create a thriving, vibrant community. Various Events  - tel:  07738998924 Full details for each event can be found on Facebook, in the Parish News or by contacting the Chairman or Secretary.
Weeley W.I. Women's Institute - Social Evening 3rd Wednesday every month 7pm Margaret Dunford - 01255 862502 m.dunford2@yahoo.com
Yoga Classes Gentle / Yoga Basics Fridays 9.30am - 11am Lucy Gauzelin Email: relaxreviverestore@live.co.uk Web: www.relaxreviverestore.co.uk Tel: 07904 276 018